Women’s Day 2013 Celebrations New Delhi, India

Women's Day 2013 Image

It was a proud moment of  honor and privilege to share with you about the women’s day 2013 celebrations in Delhi, India. On the occasion, hundreds of women were honored with live music greetings, live performances and a musical gift. A customized music album comprising of therapeutic music is also released and gifted on the occasion to several women. The album is conceptualized as music for stress by Guitarmonk Records.

After the several unfortunate incidents against women in Delhi in the last few months particularly the Nirbhaya tragedy; Delhi city is being targeted as city of fear, hopelessness, and women’s violence by people around globe. The objective of the event was to honour women, re-strengthen the respect, sense of security, trust and bond of togetherness for women in Delhi city.

This event is also a reflection and message of our responsibility, dignity and honor to the world around. Celebrations took place at various locations & zones of Delhi-NCR including centers of Guitarmonk. The event is conceptualized, organized and contributed by music company Guitarmonk – a 360 degree music concept. It is the 4th consecutive year of it women’s day initiative in Delhi – NCR (2010-2013).