100 Guitar Donations to Divyang Daughters at Surat, Gujarat

Guitar Donations to Divyang Daughters Surat

Guitar Donations to Divyang Daughters Surat

A small attempt to Gift our ‘Divyang Daughters’ with 100 Guitar Gifts and support them with Free Music Education @ Surat, Gujarat. Music is the one medium of Joy, entertainment and accomplishment in life.

We can perhaps contribute in lot many ways to deserving daughters who have no reason to stay unprivileged, just because they are born poor. You can also contribute to this cause http://gmtunetime.com/guitarmonk-shakti/

Tallest Pyramid Cake

An attempt to break the Guinness World Record of Tallest Pyramid Cake on 17 Sept 2016 will take place at Maniba Party Plot, VIP Road, Vesu, Surat (Gujarat).

Atulaya Shakti for our Daughters

The event is dedicated to the theme “Empowering Daughters – Empowering India” is an initiative to celebrate the courageous spirits of daughters of India. By acknowledging the success and achievements of women as well as identifying both the problems and issues. Looking at the social factors that may be a concern and finding ways to empower the women of India today.


World’s Largest Beach-Clean-up,Versova, Mumbai, India

Story by Hazel Delgado Planco

versova beach cleanup

(Story by Hazel Delgado Planco)

Meanwhile in Mumbai, India, Versova Beach is home to a large community of fishermen and this inspired local residents to join efforts in cleaning up the beach.

Record-breaking sailor Ellen MacArthur who has seen more of the world’s oceans than anyone else gave a warning that there will be more plastic in the sea than fish by 2050. It is indeed very alarming that such trash will eventually take over our seas and oceans if we do not do anything about it now.

Afroz Shah, a lawyer in his 30’s and  Harbanash Mathur, a retired businessman in his 80’s has been  collecting litters in Mumbai beaches on their own initiative. Only few volunteers would help with the coastal clean-up back then.

But their tenacity and determination towards their advocacy has eventually paid off.

Despite the passing of Harbanash Mathur,  people eventually have started picking off where he left off as Afroz Shah and Versova Resident Volunteers (VRV), a 200+ member citizen group has  still been doing rounds in cleaning up Mumbai’s infamous dirty beach for over 40 weeks.

versova beach cleanup1

610,000 kg of trash has already been collected by VRV over the past weeks which has drawn the attention of United Nations Patron of the Ocean, Lewis Pugh, who flew to Mumbai to take part in the world’s largest beach clean-up in Versova Beach during the weekend.

According to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), marine litter affects tourism, recreation, tourism and shipping. “Almost all of the trash we’re seeing is single-use plastic. Heartbreaking. The section of beach we are on was already cleared out a few weeks ago, goes to show we need to find solutions upstream.” said Lewis Pugh on the Versova coastal clean-up.

So far in Versova Beach, over 2 million kgs of trash have already been removed by the volunteers.

versova beach cleanup2There were up to 673 sandals, shoes and  flip-flops that were piled up in a 10 meter radius.
Photo from Lewis Pugh

versova beach cleanup3 Lewis Pugh and Afroz Shah picking up debris in Mumbai’s notoriously dirty Versova Beach.

From 147th in nationwide cleanliness survey in 2014,Mumbai has now stepped up to 10th according to the latest survey. The clean-up efforts were also in response to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” or Clean India Mission, a national drive to clean up the country.

This is but a sad reflection of the lack of understanding of the consequence of our actions where our unwise practices have created problems such as reduction in biodiversity and degradation of species and marine habitats. We cannot afford to risk the very ecosystem on which our survival depends.

We must bear in mind that every single rubbish that we throw will definitely have an impact not only in our environment, but in the entire ecosystem. It begins with the individual self-discipline and sense of responsibility along with education and awareness about cleanliness and environmental issues and a better waste management system to prevent the wastes from reaching bodies of water  and help bring positive change for our environment.

And not to undervalue the impact of collective action in such efforts in saving the seas and oceans where the water system plays a significant role in our lives no matter how close or far from the shore we live because oceans are the lifeblood of the entire humanity.

Free Music Education Activity Sangam Vihar Delhi

Carrying on with our annual activities on free music education for poor, here are our updates on this month activity at Sangam Vihar, Delhi.

Free Music Education for Poor Guitarmonk
As we always mentioned that  vulnerability of the youth makes them an easy target and be lured to crime, abuses and violence. Read More on Crime Prevention through music>> Guitarmonk Social is committed to contribute as much as it can via free music education, music instruments support.

Free Music Education Rohini Guitarmonk

In Delhi, we are conducting free music education activities regularly at Sangam Vihar and Rohini. Last years we conducted these activities at South Delhi branch and orphanage. Our motto and philosophy behind such initiatives is creative channelization of young energy, providing them with resources, platforms, facility in form of teachers, instruments, space and draw their attention towards creative activities. Read more >>

Music Charity Guitarmonk Social

DONATE FOR THE CAUSE – You can also contribute to our cause by donating Rs. 3000/student as education program cost. You will also be provided Tax Exemption under section 80G to your donations.

Free Health check up camp

free health check up camp

Free Health Check Up Camp – 2nd Nov 2015

Guitarmonk SocialSocial Action Foundation & Ramanujan College presents Free Health check up camp in association with Medanta. The event will commence with an Health Talk by Dr. Vinayak Agarwal (Sr. Consultant Cardiology), 2nd Nov, 11:00am.

This event provides free health check up for needy Ramanujan College & Guitarmonk students.
2nd Nov, 2015, Monday at 10:00am to 3:00pm.
Venue: Ramanujan College, Delhi University, Kalkaji, New Delhi (Deshbandhu College Campus).

Esteemed & renowned Doctors from medanta will be there for the following checkups:

  • Cardiac Disease : Dr. Vinayak Agarwal, Sr. Consultant Cardiology
  • Cancer & Breast Disease: Dr. Tijender Kataria, Chairperson Radiation Oncology Team
  • Respiratory/Lungs Disease : Dr. Bornali Datta, Sr Consultant Respiratory & Sleep Medicine
  • Eye Check Up – Dr. Pakras, Chairman Ophthalmol

Global Handwash Day

global handwash day

Guitarmonk Social & SAF celebrated the Global HandWash day on 15th October 2015, held at North West MCD Primary School, Naharpur and Community Park, Naharpur, Delhi. Approximately 300 students & community women participated in the event to demonstrate the importance of proper handwashing.

Millions of children under the age of 5 years die from diarrheal diseases and pneumonia, the top two killers of young children. Handwashing is not only simple and inexpensive but cut the number of young children who get sick. It is said that Handwashing with soap could prevent about 1 out of every 3 kids of diarrheal illnesses and almost 1 out of 6 episodes of respiratory infection like pneumonia. This good habit will reduce the mortality rate among kids.

During the global handwash day event, a proper handwashing demo (with soap) was conducted as soap is the easiest available source. We also encouraged them to use less water because Parents of kids mentioned concern for losing their ground water level. The objective of using theGlobal Hand Wash Day is to create awareness among the under-privileged community children so that they can add this habit into their daily routine and be healthy said “Kapil Srivastava”

Handwashing habit with soap before eating and after using the toilet in young street children is projected to save more lives than any single vaccine or medical intervention, cutting deaths from diarrhoea by almost half and deaths from acute respiratory infections by one-quarter. Handwashing is usually integrated together with other sanitation interventions as part of water, sanitation and hygiene programmes.

The event creatively explained the drawbacks of not doing hand wash as leading to –
1. Causing severe illness.
2. Stomach pains, loose stools, and sometimes nausea and vomiting.
3. Mild food poisoning if we don’t wash hands before eating, which can be dangerous to elderly people.
4. As bacteria are transmitted from hands, women need to wash their hands before cooking and serving food.
5. Cost of medicine, doctor’s fee and cost of other different type of tests.

At its guitar institutes, Guitarmonk also motivated the students to write creative blogs/stories for Handwashing and spreading this Hygiene facts to 10 people around them via social media and their local communities.

To Donate and/or to know more write at social@guitarmonk.com

Guitarmonk Social connects Delhi’s 1st Female Auto Rickshaw Driver

Delhi's 1st Female Auto Rickshaw Driver

Guitarmonk Social working on issues of women’s empowerment. Guitarmonk Social connects Delhi 1st Female Auto Rickshaw Driver Rekha, to share her reality to the world.

Rekha has been a single parent for almost 5 years now after her husband divorced her and married someone else. Leaving Rekha the sole responsibility of looking after their 2 kids, who are now in 8th and 6th grade in elementary school.  The kids used to study in Delhi but due to the economic crisis the family was facing, their mother, Rekha decided to send the kids to her mother in Rajasthan while she find ways to find a decent job to sustain her children’s growing needs.

Without a degree or a diploma, Rekha found odd jobs with meager incomes such as working as a housemaid and other physically strenuous jobs which later gave her some health issue, so she decided to find an alternative way to earn for a decent living.

And later on she found herself driving an auto rickshaw, a job that most people think are dominated by men and only for men. She was persistent and determined to get the job despite many people were trying to discourage her and yet she didn’t heed to the opinion of others. She was undaunted and proved to them that whatever a man can do, can also be done by a woman.

Though she went through training on how to drive the three-wheeled vehicle, she also struggled at first, not just with getting used to navigating the streets with the vehicle but because it was also quite unusual to have a female driver and she had to bear with the discomfort while her passengers or people in the streets stare at her. And she also had to overcome the fact that some male auto drivers are simply uncooperative or sometimes try to intimidate her.

As often said, experience is the best teacher that Rekha eventually gained confidence in her new skills and in her new occupation.

Safety on the road is Rekha’s concern. She ensures to ply the Nazafgarh – Subhash Nagar with caution and to deliver her services to her passengers with much pride.

Despite driving around streets day and night, exposed to elements and crimes, Rekha is confident and she relies also with the help of her male co-rickshaw drivers and the police. She has already established good connections with people she gets to meet everyday from her line of work and the passengers they often deal with.

Rekha’s dedication and determination to her work is truly admirable. She did not allow the critical events in her life to dampen her spirits, instead she used them to toughen up and brave the discriminating world and be recognized as a woman who signifies hope and breaks the prejudice against women. Truly, Rekha is a woman of power with her own means.

Guitarmonk Social salutes women whose integrity and actions bring positive changes and contributes to the reformation of character and values of the modern youth and future generation.

 We invite your participation to support the Women’s Empowerment Cause:

Crime Prevention Through Music

crime prevention through music

Crime Prevention Through Music

The vulnerability of the youth makes them an easy target and be lured to commit crime and violence. Music is one plan of action that is something creative and  positive for  them to focus on instead of spending their time on the streets.


The Times of India reported that the number and nature of such crimes in recent years have crossed the imagination.

Vipul Shah, a psychiatrist at GSVM Medical College, said: “Lack of adequate opportunities frustrate them to an extent where they use any method to get success. People must understand that these are troubled youth and must be helped.” The reasons for increase in crime committed by adolescent or young adults are lack of care and love from parents, falling in bad company and erosion of values in the society and in educational institutions.

While criminal lawyer, SC Srivastava stated that, “Since they are young, the judicial system takes a slacker approach to them and that makes them feel invincible. I see a lot of youth getting into crime because they are bored or lonely. The gratification is immediate but disastrous. The law must take a tougher disciplinarian stance as these are not hardened criminals but may become so if not checked at the right time.”  

Boredom is the most common reason being cited in teenage violence and crimes. By focusing on helping at-risk youth to get off the streets and leading them away from crime and violence-filled life can help them secure a better chance for a normal, productive and healthy life.

Addressing Youth  Issues 

All efforts aimed at preventing the youth from antisocial activities and criminal involvement is called Delinquency Prevention. There are many factors that contribute to the development of delinquency in the youth such as being poor or low socioeconomic status, peer rejection, unstable family environments and poor parenting style. Some prevention services may include activities such as substance abuse education and treatment, parenting education, family counseling educational support, and youth mentoring or sheltering.

But prevention through education can help the youth to effectively interact in social situation. As it also promotes economic growth, national productivity, social cohesion and innovation. Education itself will open doors to these kids and encourage them to elevate themselves from poverty and empower them by tapping on their potentials and utilising their skills by keeping them inspired and motivated. 

Key Pursuit

  1. To help provide fun, interesting and challenging activities that can help educate children and youth
  2. Incorporate local and traditional arts and music heritage while cultivating new talents.
  3. Encourage healthy competition and sportsmanship through music. By chanelling their energies into positive and creative activities that can help them stay motivated into their crafts.
  4. Social transformation and rehabilitation through the use of therapeutic music and performing arts for the youth.

Prospective Confederation 

By connecting different elements within the community and recognizing each role they play in developing a structured program that can be implemented for the future and success of the youth. By tapping schools and other learning agencies, community centers, sports clubs, theaters and other sources to help facilitate the education of the children in different areas are fields of knowledge. And through the support of local business that can sponsor events, provide materials and other media that can help in the promotion of activities for the youth.

Potential Stumbling Blocks

  1. Communities may have problems finding instruments or venue to practice or perform, but with public awareness campaigns, the surrounding communities can help make donations.
  2. It is also a challenge to keep children and parents committed.
  3. Administration and underprivileged teachers and interns also need remuneration for them to be motivated as they attend to their duties


Subjects to be taught –

  1. Keyboard
  2. Singing
  3. Guitar
  4. Percussion

Age Group Bracket –

  1. Less than 13
  2. 13 to 19
  3. 19 above

Add on Subjects –

  1. Financial Management
  2. Counseling, Behaviour & Anger Management
  3. Personality Development & Leadership Training
  4. Spirituality & Health Management
  5. Language and Communication
  6. Computer Applications & Skills/Technology Management
  7. Academics Participation
  8. Rehearsal/Jamming and Performance Activities


  1. Day Time
  2. Summer/Winter Time
  3. After School/Evening Time


  1. Free Local Alternatives to at-risk street kids, youth – Giving them a healthy alternative to the streets with music (education, instrument, activities etc). (via grant from the corporate, govt. bodies, and private aid)
  2. Formation of Local Musicians Team – A motivated team via a special teacher training program. Team should be motivated enough and holds concern about the future of child, as a part of society and whole. Who are able to understand that whatever you give, fires back in the society and eventually touches us. They should be able to inspire and communicate to a passion and respect for life, through their music. Communicate the idea of life, joy, celebration, contribution, health, spirituality and various other attributes. Program is free but they should take commitment from students for personal & professional conduct
  3. Developing Professional Musicians and Teachers – By continued practice and engagement in music activities, more skills and expertise will be developed in time that can also be shared to the community through volunteerism.

Kapil Srivastava, Guitarmonk founder, says that “During the times when many countries are facing disturbed internal conflicts, the one resolution and strategy that we should look into  and invest is a balanced and happy citizen of the future. He is the one who can wisely opt not see war as resolution, but find a peaceful yet effective option instead.”

Let’s allow music to deliver its message of peace and love and be of service to us as a form of healing and reflection. Music can be a catalyst for positive change, and it can save lives too.

Two faces of Times of India, The Raahgiri Day Duplicity

Two faces of Times of India, The Raahgiri Day Duplicity

It is said that good begets good, ethics begets ethics. On the one hand when Delhi’s Air Pollution is rising high and higher every other day, the other hand is TOI media, whose one face is portraying regular activities on Raahgiri day and such minute sensitivities for the issue for past 1 year and its other face giving ten times ads of Cars every-day and running car-selling episodes for making money.

Cars companies have realized that you have a mindset customer in Delhi who will buy a car to show off and then these companies have this TOI type paid media for creating pollution in Delhi. Who will question these thousands crores revenue making car companies? Of-course not the greedy people. Can Minister? Can Media? It is only conscientiousness that can question.

Well you can be either ethical or duplicate. Have TOI been ethical, they could have chosen to run a Raahgiri Day episode in TIMES NOW that would guide city people to avoid usage and purchase of so many Cars at first place. They won’t focus on how much crowd they gather. Whereas we see TIMES NOW runs an episode to motivate and buy new cars and models. TOI could have chosen to follow the loyal path of Raahgiri day with honesty and an actual concern for health-cause, without missing this aspect, and not for using its newspaper space to winning hollow popular awards. Shame!

Duplicity of passionate professional media is that they think they can play both sides and also that they can question anyone without seeing mirror. But truth is that they are part of same greedy society but wearing fear-less masks of ethics. Just see, where are your those guts now that you are proud of?

Pollution Facts – Even the most posh areas of Delhi are not safe from Air pollution. You are not even safe while you are in home. US Embassy has warned of Delhi Air pollution rise. It is better we all start caring for ourselves before our loved ones get sick. We should also stop buying new cars both out of traffic and out of pollution. Some links are –





Thank you for Making Cloth Donation Movement a Generous one

Thank you for Making Cloth Donation Movement a Generous one

Cloth Donation Movement – Huge contributions for ‘Share to Care‘ cause from students, corporate, mentors, friends.

Donations included Blankets, Toys, Clothes, Shoes, Stationary etc. They are being distributed across Delhi-NCR city and for Kashmir causes by Guitarmonk Social.

If you have a real needy to help, let us know and will forward a helping hand.

You can also approach us in this regard by directly fill the contact us form.

Rising Cancer in Greater Noida Villages

Rising Cancer in Greater Noida Villages

Cancer is looming large in 5 of Greater Noida villages. Media has been covering the story for last few months on same.

It is unfortunate that while authorities didn’t find any irregularities in water, cases of cancer continue to mount here claiming the lives of young and old men, women and children.

The villagers think that it is due to rise in factories around whereas the authorities are evaluating the exact reasons. The extremity of situation can be comprehended that there are people from same family suffered from Chest Tumor, Throat cancer. And there are cancer of many types.

Here are some reference links and reports from media –

  1. http://ibnlive.in.com/news/noida-57-dead-in-5-years-due-to-cancer-villagers-blame-water-quality/510159-3-242.html
  2. http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/big-c-hepatitis-c-cancer-greater-noida/1/397649.html
  3. http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Delhi/petition-to-ngt-over-rising-cancer-cases-in-greater-noida-villages/article6570183.ece
  4. http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/greater-noida-central-pollution-control-board-to-probe-groundwater-pollution/article1-1283335.aspx
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/indiahome/indianews/article-2826157/Government-affirms-cancer-surge-Greater-Noida-hamlets.html