Two faces of Times of India, The Raahgiri Day Duplicity

Two faces of Times of India, The Raahgiri Day Duplicity

It is said that good begets good, ethics begets ethics. On the one hand when Delhi’s Air Pollution is rising high and higher every other day, the other hand is TOI media, whose one face is portraying regular activities on Raahgiri day and such minute sensitivities for the issue for past 1 year and its other face giving ten times ads of Cars every-day and running car-selling episodes for making money.

Cars companies have realized that you have a mindset customer in Delhi who will buy a car to show off and then these companies have this TOI type paid media for creating pollution in Delhi. Who will question these thousands crores revenue making car companies? Of-course not the greedy people. Can Minister? Can Media? It is only conscientiousness that can question.

Well you can be either ethical or duplicate. Have TOI been ethical, they could have chosen to run a Raahgiri Day episode in TIMES NOW that would guide city people to avoid usage and purchase of so many Cars at first place. They won’t focus on how much crowd they gather. Whereas we see TIMES NOW runs an episode to motivate and buy new cars and models. TOI could have chosen to follow the loyal path of Raahgiri day with honesty and an actual concern for health-cause, without missing this aspect, and not for using its newspaper space to winning hollow popular awards. Shame!

Duplicity of passionate professional media is that they think they can play both sides and also that they can question anyone without seeing mirror. But truth is that they are part of same greedy society but wearing fear-less masks of ethics. Just see, where are your those guts now that you are proud of?

Pollution Facts – Even the most posh areas of Delhi are not safe from Air pollution. You are not even safe while you are in home. US Embassy has warned of Delhi Air pollution rise. It is better we all start caring for ourselves before our loved ones get sick. We should also stop buying new cars both out of traffic and out of pollution. Some links are –