
cancerThe Danger of Cancer (Facts) – Approximately 6 Lakh people dies of cancer every month globally i.e. 7.6 million every year. If no action is taken, the worldwide cancer burden is expected to reach 26 million new diagnoses and 17 million deaths by the year 2030.

Did you know 30-40% of cancers can be prevented, and one-third of cancers can be cured through early diagnosis and treatment?

The estimated number of cancer patients diagnosed in India per year is about 7 lakhs and over 3.5 lakh people die of cancer each year. The cancer in women in Indian sub-continent constitutes more than 50% of total cancer.

The data from HSCRs (Hospital Based Cancer Registry) has shown that Cancer of Cervix (28%) and Breast (16%) and Oral Cavity in women are most common and cancer of Head and Neck region constitute about 30% of all cancer in males and females. The most common cancers are those related to tobacco usage.

Music for Cancer – Winning the Battle is a movement to spread awareness and support cancer victims with therapy and emotional care.  At Guitarmonk Social, a CSR wing of Guitarmonk aims to spread the message far and wide that ‘Cancer is Curable.’ To create awareness among the masses that cancer can be prevented and thus one can lead a longer and happier life.

We are diverting our efforts to bring some alternative therapies for cancer fighters as live musical greetings, i.e. bringing moments of cheer to the life of cancer patients. Guitarmonk Records, a music record label unit of guitarmonk, has specially released a therapeutic album especially for the cause titled ‘Music for Health’ and other full-fledged activities towards movement for cancer.

It is further knowing that how cancer can be prevented to live a healthier and longer life.



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