100 Guitar Donations to Divyang Daughters at Surat, Gujarat

Guitar Donations to Divyang Daughters Surat

Guitar Donations to Divyang Daughters Surat

A small attempt to Gift our ‘Divyang Daughters’ with 100 Guitar Gifts and support them with Free Music Education @ Surat, Gujarat. Music is the one medium of Joy, entertainment and accomplishment in life.

We can perhaps contribute in lot many ways to deserving daughters who have no reason to stay unprivileged, just because they are born poor. You can also contribute to this cause http://gmtunetime.com/guitarmonk-shakti/

Tallest Pyramid Cake

An attempt to break the Guinness World Record of Tallest Pyramid Cake on 17 Sept 2016 will take place at Maniba Party Plot, VIP Road, Vesu, Surat (Gujarat).

Atulaya Shakti for our Daughters

The event is dedicated to the theme “Empowering Daughters – Empowering India” is an initiative to celebrate the courageous spirits of daughters of India. By acknowledging the success and achievements of women as well as identifying both the problems and issues. Looking at the social factors that may be a concern and finding ways to empower the women of India today.


Guitarmonk Social connects Delhi’s 1st Female Auto Rickshaw Driver

Delhi's 1st Female Auto Rickshaw Driver

Guitarmonk Social working on issues of women’s empowerment. Guitarmonk Social connects Delhi 1st Female Auto Rickshaw Driver Rekha, to share her reality to the world.

Rekha has been a single parent for almost 5 years now after her husband divorced her and married someone else. Leaving Rekha the sole responsibility of looking after their 2 kids, who are now in 8th and 6th grade in elementary school.  The kids used to study in Delhi but due to the economic crisis the family was facing, their mother, Rekha decided to send the kids to her mother in Rajasthan while she find ways to find a decent job to sustain her children’s growing needs.

Without a degree or a diploma, Rekha found odd jobs with meager incomes such as working as a housemaid and other physically strenuous jobs which later gave her some health issue, so she decided to find an alternative way to earn for a decent living.

And later on she found herself driving an auto rickshaw, a job that most people think are dominated by men and only for men. She was persistent and determined to get the job despite many people were trying to discourage her and yet she didn’t heed to the opinion of others. She was undaunted and proved to them that whatever a man can do, can also be done by a woman.

Though she went through training on how to drive the three-wheeled vehicle, she also struggled at first, not just with getting used to navigating the streets with the vehicle but because it was also quite unusual to have a female driver and she had to bear with the discomfort while her passengers or people in the streets stare at her. And she also had to overcome the fact that some male auto drivers are simply uncooperative or sometimes try to intimidate her.

As often said, experience is the best teacher that Rekha eventually gained confidence in her new skills and in her new occupation.

Safety on the road is Rekha’s concern. She ensures to ply the Nazafgarh – Subhash Nagar with caution and to deliver her services to her passengers with much pride.

Despite driving around streets day and night, exposed to elements and crimes, Rekha is confident and she relies also with the help of her male co-rickshaw drivers and the police. She has already established good connections with people she gets to meet everyday from her line of work and the passengers they often deal with.

Rekha’s dedication and determination to her work is truly admirable. She did not allow the critical events in her life to dampen her spirits, instead she used them to toughen up and brave the discriminating world and be recognized as a woman who signifies hope and breaks the prejudice against women. Truly, Rekha is a woman of power with her own means.

Guitarmonk Social salutes women whose integrity and actions bring positive changes and contributes to the reformation of character and values of the modern youth and future generation.

 We invite your participation to support the Women’s Empowerment Cause:

Women’s Day 2013 Celebrations New Delhi, India

Women's Day 2013 Image

It was a proud moment of  honor and privilege to share with you about the women’s day 2013 celebrations in Delhi, India. On the occasion, hundreds of women were honored with live music greetings, live performances and a musical gift. A customized music album comprising of therapeutic music is also released and gifted on the occasion to several women. The album is conceptualized as music for stress by Guitarmonk Records.

After the several unfortunate incidents against women in Delhi in the last few months particularly the Nirbhaya tragedy; Delhi city is being targeted as city of fear, hopelessness, and women’s violence by people around globe. The objective of the event was to honour women, re-strengthen the respect, sense of security, trust and bond of togetherness for women in Delhi city.

This event is also a reflection and message of our responsibility, dignity and honor to the world around. Celebrations took place at various locations & zones of Delhi-NCR including centers of Guitarmonk. The event is conceptualized, organized and contributed by music company Guitarmonk – a 360 degree music concept. It is the 4th consecutive year of it women’s day initiative in Delhi – NCR (2010-2013).